Monday, December 9, 2013

Pop of Orange

 Hi everyone...well I've been sceptical about the colour 'Orange' for a while...dunno why though...but I decided to give it a try anyway.
So I went to see a very good friend of mine and since I knew I wasn't gonna stay too long,I decided to pack very light (not my forte).I took few clothes and just a pair of shoe: my really cute orange flat. I always feel shy whenever I wear it 'cos I feel like people always stare @ my I decided to take it along anyway...I tried some outfit combinations and came up with these...which I ended up wearing to the mall...and eventually for a birthday...felt under-dressed though...but what the heck?...I was there already and just had to suck it up and have fun...


  1. Yaaay!!I'm here finally*dancing*love you dearie....nice combo!

  2. and then i enta d place..frankainstein, nice colour blinding outfit..second person to comment, i wonder wah prize i culd ghet...chop knucklez anywayz...GBAM..

  3. My dear you don't have to feel skeptical about your orange pair sandal bcs it is so so captivating and unique. U. Don't need to overdress bcs ur underdressd dressimg make u a real big deal... Jp.

  4. M really impressed dearie,n she always luk good in anytng

  5. The shoes are fab!
    Love your dresses.
